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Kitchen Olivo Negro: A New Approach To Black Kitchens

We have an obsession with the elegance and beauty of black kitchens. We also love the endless combinations you can have with this type of kitchen. Inside Olivo Negro House by ecuadorian architect Paul Vázquez, where elegance is one of the main attributes of the house, the kitchen seeks to show that same beauty through its design.

Inside the Olivo Negro Kitchen, a wide space filled with functional cabinets, the kitchen intends to connect with the outer space through the big window, where floating modules were placed to give a sense of lightness with the outer space, with light underneath it that diffuses the division between the modules and the space.

The kitchen island creates contrast with the black cabinet doors and drawers, with a white marble countertop that completes the entire visual structure of the kitchen. The island also has specific cabinets that optimize space and make it easier to free other areas.

A great way to create contrast is to introduce another material. Wooden details are located in the nooks that contain accessories and other pieces. Part of the ceiling is covered with wooden panels that create a transition between the main part of the kitchen, and the lighter space that relates to the outdoors.

Here is a new approach to our beloved black kitchen!